Unit 1: We Answer God’s Call
Starting Here
At-a-Glance Planner
Scripture: Genesis 12:1
Unit Song: I Say, “Yes,” Lord / Digo “Si,” Señor
- Words and Music by Donna Peña; Arranged by Marty Haugen
- RCLB #: S6066 Grade 6 Music CD · Listen Preview
Catholic Social Teaching ⋅ Care for God’s Creation
- Background Article: Protectors of Creation
Previewing Content
Faith Words · Study Set link
- Ch. 1: faith, patriarch, Revelation
- Ch. 2: sacrifice, altar
- Ch. 3: covenant
- Ch. 4: fidelity, piety
Faith-filled People
- Ch. 1: Abraham and Sarah, Mary
- Ch. 2: N/A
- Ch. 3: Jacob, Noah, Saint Paul
- Ch. 4: Joseph, Saint Joseph
Faith in Action Ministries
- Ch. 1: Maintenance Staff
- Ch. 2: Altar Servers
- Ch. 3: Pastor
- Ch. 4: Parish Youth Group
Wrapping Up
Catholic Social Teaching · Care for God’s Creation
- Unit Activity: Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
eAssessment · Teacher Login
Grade 6 Tests booklet #S6236
- includes black line master unit tests
Unit 1 Bulletin Board Activity
The EXTRA tab has more!
- Additional black line masters
- Music CDs
- Project resources
Chapter 1: Revelation and Response
Starting Here
- PILLAR: What Catholics Believe
- God invites us to respond to him with total trust.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Maintenance Staff
- SHARE: Psalm 104:24, 27
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U1-Ch1
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-1
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-1
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- Abraham and Sarah
- Mary Says Yes
- Saint Profile: Mary, Mother of God
- Faith Words
- faith
- patriarch
- Revelation
- We Believe
- People with faith in God welcome God’s Revelation. They accept God’s will and obey it completely.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: Complete Trust
- Prayer Celebration
- A Prayer of Trust
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A: Trinity Sunday, OT 15 (Scripture), OT 19 (Revelation), OT 28 (Lord’s Day)
- Year B: Easter 4 (Trinity), Trinity Sunday, OT 9 (Lord’s Day), OT 28 (Revelation)
- Year C: Trinity Sunday, OT 3 (Scripture), OT 16 (God’s Word)
- Family Life: Lesson 1–Family Background; Lesson 2–Family Traits
Chapter 2: Sacrifice and Promise
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Worship
- God sacrificed his own Son to set us free from sin.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Altar Servers
- SHARE: 1 Peter 2:5
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U1-Ch2
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-2
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-2
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Worship
- Easter Vigil Reading
- The Eucharistic Sacrifice
- Saint Profile: Andrew Kim Taegon
- Faith Words
- sacrifice
- altar
- We Believe
- The Lord calls us to his table to receive his Body and Blood in the Eucharist. When we receive the Eucharist, we receive new life in Christ, who sacrificed his own life for us.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: Giving Blood
- Prayer Celebration
- A Blessing Prayer
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A: Passion (Obedience), OT 12 (Persecution), OT 27 (Justice), Christ King (Judge), Exalt Holy Cross (Redemption), Presentation of the Lord (Two natures)
- Year B: Advent 4 (Incarnation), Lent 2 (Sacrifice), Christ King (Judge), Exalt Holy Cross (Redemption), Presentation of the Lord (Two natures)
- Year C: Advent 4 (Incarnation), Passion (Suffering), Easter 4 (Divinity of Christ), OT 10 (Resurrection), OT 21 (Judgement), Exalt Holy Cross (Redemption), Presentation of the Lord (Two natures)
Chapter 3: Covenant and Commitment
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Live
- In response to God’s faithfulness, we must be committed to our faith.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Pastor
- SHARE: Genesis 27:28
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U1-Ch3
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-3
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-3
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- Jacob and the Covenant
- Noah and the Covenant
- Saint Profile: Paul of Tarsus
- Faith Words
- covenant
- We Believe
- God calls us to bear witness to our faith, in our words and through our actions.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: A New Life in the Lord
- Prayer Celebration
- A Family Blessing
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A: Lent 3 (Faith), Easter 2 (Faith), Ascension (Creed)
- Year B: Ascension (Creed), OT 21 (Faith), OT 24 (Creed),
- Year C: Easter 2 (Faith), Ascension (Creed)
Chapter 4: Piety and Prayer
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Pray
- We must love God above all else and remain focused on his will.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Parish Youth Group
- SHARE: Luke 1:49
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U1-Ch4
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-4
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-4
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- Joseph, the Loyal Son
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Profile: Joseph, husband of Mary
- Faith Words
- fidelity
- piety
- We Believe
- Prayer requires keeping our hearts and minds focused on God. Because we trust God, we pray to God as “Father.”
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: The Lord Helps the Lowly
- Prayer Celebration
- The Magnificat
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A: OT 23 (Conversion)
- Year B: Lent 5 (Prayer)
- Year C: Lent 2 (Contemplative prayer), Lent 4 (Conversion), OT 30 (Humility)
Unit 2: God Saves and Delivers Us
Starting Here
At-a-Glance Planner
Scripture: Exodus 15:21
Unit Song: Wade in the Water
- Traditional spiritual; Arranged by Diana Kodner
- RCLB #: S6066 Grade 6 Music CD · Listen Preview
Catholic Social Teaching ⋅ Solidarity
- Background Article: One Human Family
Previewing Content
Faith Words · Study Set link
- Ch. 5: Exodus, Yahweh, Promised Land
- Ch. 6: liturgical year, Passover, Paschal Mystery
- Ch. 7: Ark of the Covenant, manna
- Ch. 8: Chosen People, discernment
Faith-filled People
- Ch. 5: Joseph, Moses
- Ch. 6: Pope Francis
- Ch. 7: Moses, Saint Teresa of Avila
- Ch. 8: Saint Juan Diego
Faith in Action Ministries
- Ch. 5: Art Teacher
- Ch. 6: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Ch. 7: Coaches and Athletic Instructors
- Ch. 8: RCIA Catechists
Wrapping Up
Catholic Social Teaching · Solidarity
- Unit Activity: Strangers Seeking Safety
eAssessment · Teacher Login
Grade 6 Tests booklet #S6236
- includes black line master unit tests
Unit 2 Bulletin Board Activity
The EXTRA tab has more!
- Additional black line masters
- Music CDs
- Project resources
Chapter 5: Slavery and Deliverance
Starting Here
- PILLAR: What Catholics Believe
- God continues to act in today’s world to deliver us from enslavement.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Art Teacher
- SHARE: Exodus 15:21
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U2-Ch5
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-5
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-5
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- The Exodus
- A Question about Everlasting Life
- Saint Profile: Peter Claver
- Faith Words
- Exodus
- Yahweh
- Promised Land
- We Believe
- Jesus Christ conquered death for us. At our Baptism he gives new life to our souls. He will also give new life to our bodies in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: Bound by Faith
- Prayer Celebration
- A Prayer of Praise
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A: Advent 1 (2nd Coming), Epiphany (Salvation), OT 8 (Divine providence)
- Year B: Advent 1 (2nd Coming), Epiphany (Salvation), OT 12 (Power of God)
- Year C: Advent 1 (2nd Coming), Epiphany (Salvation), OT 13 (Freedom)
Chapter 6: Passover and the Eucharistic Celebration
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Worship
- Jesus is the Paschal Lamb who saved us from death.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- SHARE: Roman Missal
- “Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation.”
- See: 1 Chron 29:10; Ps 72:18-19; Luke 1:68
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U2-Ch6
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-6
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-6
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Worship
- Mass of the Lord’s Supper
- The Feeding of the Five Thousand
- Saint Profile: Sharbel Makhlouf
- Faith Words
- liturgical year
- Passover
- Paschal Mystery
- We Believe
- The same God who delivered his people from slavery in Egypt delivered us from sin and death through his Son, Jesus Christ.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: The Election of Pope Francis
- Prayer Celebration
- The Nicene Creed
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A: Lent 5 (Paschal Mystery), Easter (3rd Day), Easter 3 (Eucharist), Corpus Christi (Real Presence), OT 18 (Eucharist), Assumption (Resurrection)
- Year B: Easter (3rd Day), Corpus Christi (Real Presence), OT 18 (Eucharist), OT 19 (Sacrifice), OT 20 (Presence), OT 29 (Redemption), Assumption (Resurrection)
- Year C: Easter (Resurrection), Corpus Christi (Real Presence), Assumption (Resurrection)
Chapter 7: Commandment and Fulfillment
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Live
- The Ten Commandments tell us how to live as covenant people.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Coaches and Athletic Instructors
- SHARE: Jeremiah 31:33–34
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U2-Ch7
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-6
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-7
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- The Covenant at Sinai
- Jesus Teaches about the Law
- Saint Profile: Teresa of Ávila
- Faith Words
- Ark of the Covenant
- manna
- We Believe
- Jesus revealed the ultimate meaning of the Ten Commandments and taught us to keep God’s Laws in the spirit of love.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: Saint Teresa of Jesus
- Prayer Celebration
- Praying with Scripture
- Deuteronomy 6:4–9
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A: Advent 2 (Justice & Peace), Holy Family (4th Commandment), OT 6 (Law of Love), OT 14 (Chastity), OT 29 (1st Commandment)
- Year B: Holy Family (4th Commandment), Lent 1 (Baptismal Covenant), Lent 3 (1o Commandments), Easter 2 (Peace), OT 31 (Love of God)
- Year C: Holy Family (Domestic Church), Easter 5 (New Commandment), Easter 6 (Peace), OT 7 (Love of enemies), OT 15 (Love of neighbor), OT 18 (10th Commandment), OT 33 (Justice)
Chapter 8: Our Journey and God’s Presence
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Pray
- With the Catholic community, we journey toward God’s kingdom.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- RCIA Catechists
- SHARE: Luke 1:78–79
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U2-Ch8
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-8
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-8
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- Conquest of the Promised Land
- A Man of Prayer: Saint Juan Diego
- Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Saint Profile: Juan Diego
- Faith Words
- Chosen People
- discernment
- We Believe
- Prayer will help us know God’s will for us. Constant prayer is especially important.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: Celebrating the Lord’s Wonders
- Prayer Celebration
- The Canticle of Zechariah
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A: OT 32 (Perseverance), All Souls (Communion of Saints)
- Year B: Passion (Perseverance), OT 30 (Baptized), OT 33 (Final judgment), All Souls (Communion of Saints)
- Year C: OT 12 (Cross in life), All Souls (Purgatory)
- Family Life: Lesson 3–Know Thyself
Unit 3: God Invites Us into His Kingdom
Starting Here
At-a-Glance Planner
Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:13
Unit Song: Let Us Go Rejoicing
- Words based on Psalm 122, Music by Jan Michael Joncas
- RCLB #: S6066 Grade 6 Music CD · Listen Preview
Catholic Social Teaching ⋅ Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers
- Background Article: A Dignified Livelihood
Previewing Content
Faith Words · Study Set link
- Ch. 9: ministry, laity, catholic
- Ch. 10: The Temple. sacrament, sacramental
- Ch. 11: conscience, guidance, sacramental grace
- Ch. 12: psalms, Amen, reverence
Faith-filled People
- Ch. 9: Samuel, Peter, Franciscans
- Ch. 10: Solomon
- Ch. 11: David, Saint Helena
- Ch. 12: David
Faith in Action Ministries
- Ch. 9: Social Service Ministries
- Ch. 10: Religion Teacher
- Ch. 11: Parish Pastoral Council
- Ch. 12: School Choir
Wrapping Up
Catholic Social Teaching · Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers
- Unit Activity: Debating Wages
eAssessment · Teacher Login
Grade 6 Tests booklet #S6236
- includes black line master unit tests
Unit 3 Bulletin Board Activity
The EXTRA tab has more!
- Additional black line masters
- Music CDs
- Project resources
Chapter 9: Our Land and God’s Kingdom
Starting Here
- PILLAR: What Catholics Believe
- God gives every person in the Church a mission.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Social Service Ministries
- SHARE: 1 Corinthians 6:15
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U3-Ch9
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-9
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-9
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- The First Leaders of Israel
- The Keys to the Kingdom
- Saint Profile: Saint Joseph
- Faith Words
- ministry
- laity
- catholic
- We Believe
- Our mission as Catholics is to prepare the world for the coming of God’s heavenly kingdom. We do this by serving others and teaching the saving message of Christ.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: The Franciscans in the Holy Land
- Prayer Celebration
- A Prayer of Praise
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A:
- Year B:
- Year C:
- Family Life: Lesson 4–Looking to the Future
Chapter 10: The Ark and the Temple
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Worship
- Some Catholic rituals are rooted in ancient Jewish rituals.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Religion Teacher
- SHARE: Roman Missal
- Easter Vigil Blessing of Water Acclamation
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U3-Ch10
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-10
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-10
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Worship
- The Blessing of Water
- Blessing of Water for the Easter Vigil, Rite of Christian Initiation
- A Place of God´s Presence
- The Blessing of Water
- Saint Profile: Saint John Vianney
- Faith Words
- Temple
- Sacrament
- sacramental
- We Believe
- Through the Sacraments, which were instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, God’s grace is given to us.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: The Rite of Holy Orders
- Prayer Celebration
- A Prayer for Guidance
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A:
- Year B:
- Year C:
- Family Life: Lesson 5–Expecting a Baby; Lesson 6–A Baby Arrives
Chapter 11: David’s Sin and the Story of the Fall
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Live
- God’s capacity to forgive us our sins is unfailing.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Parish Pastoral Council
- SHARE: Psalm 25:10
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U3-Ch11
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-11
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-11
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- King David and the Sin of Humanity
- The Parable of the Lost Son
- Saint Profile: Saint Helena
- Faith Words
- conscience
- guidance
- sacramental grace
- We Believe
- We must form our conscience by following the Word of God, the Church’s teaching, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: Saint Helena
- Prayer Celebration
- The Confiteor
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A:
- Year B:
- Year C:
Chapter 12: Psalms of Praise and Works of Wonder
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Pray
- Psalms are a powerful and important part of the Church’s prayer life.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- School Choir
- SHARE: Te Deum
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U3-Ch12
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-12
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-12
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- David´s Songs
- The Lord, Shepherd and Host
- Saint Profile: Saint Gregory the Great
- Faith Words
- psalms
- Amen
- reverence
- We Believe
- Through songs and prayers of praise, such as the psalms, we express our adoration for God our Creator.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: Little Less than the Angels
- Prayer Celebration
- A Psalm Prayer
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A:
- Year B:
- Year C:
Unit 4: God Reminds Us to Do His Will
Starting Here
At-a-Glance Planner
Scripture: Isaiah 2:12
Unit Song: We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder
- Traditional spiritual
- RCLB #: S6066 Grade 6 Music CD · Listen Preview
Catholic Social Teaching ⋅ Rights and Responsibilities
- Background Article: Healing Children of War
Previewing Content
Faith Words · Study Set link
- Ch. 13: prophet, salvation, Original Sin
- Ch. 14: exile, messiah
- Ch. 15: precepts of the Church, Theological Virtues, moral virtues
- Ch. 16: supplication, persistence
Faith-filled People
- Ch. 13: Solomon, Saint Francis Xavier
- Ch. 14: Ezekiel, Micah, Saint Maximilian Kolbe
- Ch. 15: Ezekiel
- Ch. 16: Esther, Job
Faith in Action Ministries
- Ch. 13: Auxiliary Missionaries
- Ch. 14: Lectors
- Ch. 15: Parent Volunteers
- Ch. 16: Respect Life Ministry
Wrapping Up
Catholic Social Teaching · Rights and Responsibilities
- Unit Activity: A Letter for the Children of War
eAssessment · Teacher Login
Grade 6 Tests booklet #S6236
- includes black line master unit tests
Unit 4 Bulletin Board Activity
The EXTRA tab has more!
- Additional black line masters
- Music CDs
- Project resources
Chapter 13: Disobedience and Guidance
Starting Here
- PILLAR: What Catholics Believe
- Jesus Christ is our Priest, Prophet, and King.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Auxiliary Missionaries
- SHARE: Jeremiah 29:13
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U4-Ch13
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-13
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-13
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- The Rule of King Solomon
- 1 Chronicles 29:25; 2 Chronicles 1:8–15; 5; 9:23–31; 10:1-9; 36:14-16; Hosea 3—4; 1 Kings 15:22-24; 18:21-39; Micah 2—6; Isaiah 2:6-19
- A Special Gift
- The Rule of King Solomon
- Saint Profile: Francis Xavier
- Faith Words
- prophet
- Salvation
- Original Sin
- We Believe
- Jesus Christ is our Priest, Prophet, and King.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: Saint Francis Xavier
- Prayer Celebration
- A Litany Prayer
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A:
- Year B:
- Year C:
- Family Life:
Chapter 14: Exile and Remembrance
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Worship
- Jesus constantly offers us saving grace through the Sacraments.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Lectors
- SHARE: Roman Missal
- Prayer Over the Gifts, Mass for Refugees and Exiles
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U4-Ch14
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-14
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-14
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Worship
- Celebration of the Lord´s Passion
- The Good Shepherd
- Saint Profile: Maximilian Kolbe
- Faith Words
- exile
- messiah
- We Believe
- God’s love for his people is everlasting. Even if we suffer “exile” because of our sins, God is with us and loves us.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: Saint Maximilian Kolbe
- Prayer Celebration
- Praying in Jesus’ Words
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A:
- Year B:
- Year C:
- Family Life:
Chapter 15: Hope and Faithfulness
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Live
- The precepts of the Church help us live as God’s people.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Parent Volunteers
- SHARE: Ruth 1:16
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U4-Ch15
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-15
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-15
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- Vision of the Dry Bones
- Celebrating the Lord´s Day
- Saint Profile: Andrew of Phu Yen
- Faith Words
- precepts of the Church
- Theological Virtues
- Moral Virtues
- We Believe
- Sin separates us from God and makes us people in exile. We come closer to God by making good moral decisions and following the teachings of our faith.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: Faith and Charity
- Prayer Celebration
- An Act of Hope
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A:
- Year B:
- Year C:
Chapter 16: Trust and Prayer
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Pray
- Before we can pray, we must trust that God will hear our prayers.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Respect Life Ministry
- SHARE: Roman Missal
- Easter Proclamation (Exsultet)
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U4-Ch16
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-16
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-16
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- A Prayer for Her People
- The Trials of Job
- Saint Profile: Saint Monica
- Faith Words
- supplication
- persistence
- We Believe
- Prayer requires faith and persistence. The sources of prayer are the Word of God, the liturgy, and the virtues of faith, hope, and charity.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: The Parable of the Persistent Widow
- Prayer Celebration
- The Exsultet
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A:
- Year B:
- Year C:
Unit 5: God Promises Us Everlasting Life
Starting Here
At-a-Glance Planner
Scripture: Matthew 3:11, 12
Unit Song: Creator of the Stars of Night
- Words from Conditor lame siderium, Chant Mode IV (Latin 9th C).; Arranged by Carol Browning
- RCLB #: S6066 Grade 6 Music · Listen Preview
Catholic Social Teaching ⋅ Life and Dignity of the Human Person
- Background Article:
Previewing Content
Faith Words · Study Set link
- Ch. 17: resurrection, Heaven, Purgatory, Hell
- Ch. 18: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes
- Ch. 19: Spiritual Works of Mercy, Corporal Works of Mercy, temple of the Holy Spirit
- Ch. 20: meditation
Faith-filled People
- Ch. 17: Lucy, The Maccabees
- Ch. 18: Josephine Bakhita
- Ch. 19: Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Jonah
- Ch. 20: Our Lady of Czestochowa
Faith in Action Ministries
- Ch. 17: Confirmation Sponsors
- Ch. 18: Godparents
- Ch. 19: Ministries of Comfort
- Ch. 20: Prayer Groups
Wrapping Up
Catholic Social Teaching · Life and Dignity of the Human Person
- Unit Activity:
eAssessment · Teacher Login
Grade 6 Tests booklet #S6236
- includes black line master unit tests
Unit 5 Bulletin Board Activity
The EXTRA tab has more!
- Additional black line masters
- Music CDs
- Project resources
Chapter 17: A New Life and a Coming Messiah
Starting Here
- PILLAR: What Catholics Believe
- The resurrection of the body after death is revealed in the Old Testament.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Confirmation Sponsors
- SHARE: 2 Maccabees 7:9
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U5-Ch17
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-17
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-17
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- The Struggles Under Greek Rule
- Praying for the Dead
- Saint Profile: Lucy of Syracuse
- Faith Words
- resurrection
- Heaven
- Purgatory
- Hell
- We Believe
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior, as foretold in the Old Testament. Jesus makes everlasting happiness in Heaven possible.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: Saint Lucy
- Prayer Celebration
- A Litany Prayer
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A:
- Year B:
- Year C:
- Family Life:
Chapter 18: Baptism and Repentance
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Worship
- Baptism and Penance and Reconciliation help us live as Jesus’ followers.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Godparents
- SHARE: Ezekiel 36:26
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U5-Ch18
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-18
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-18
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Worship
- Advent Gospel Reading
- The Baptism of Jesus
- Saint Profile: Josephine Bakhita
- Faith Words
- Pharisees
- Sadducees
- Essenes
- We Believe
- To obtain reconciliation with God and with the Church, we must confess grave sins to a priest.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: About the Sacraments
- Prayer Celebration
- A Prayer of Renewal
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A:
- Year B:
- Year C:
- Family Life:
Chapter 19: Christians and the Reign of God
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Live
- We build God’s kingdom by bearing witness to the dignity of all people.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Ministries of Comfort
- SHARE: Matthew 5:6
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U5-Ch19
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-19
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-19
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- The Boy Jesus in the Temple
- Jonah, the Reluctant Prophet
- Saint Profile: Teresa of Calcutta
- Faith Words
- Spiritual Works of Mercy
- Corporal Works of Mercy
- temple of the Holy Spirit
- We Believe
- We are made in God’s image. We must respect our dignity and the dignity of all God’s children.
Wrapping Up
- RESPOND: Blessed Mother Teresa
- Prayer Celebration
- A Prayer for Holiness
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A:
- Year B:
- Year C:
Chapter 20: Hope for the Ages
Starting Here
- PILLAR: How Catholics Pray
- Jesus taught us to call God “Father” when we pray.
- Faith in Action Ministry
- Prayer Groups
- SHARE: Isaiah 61:1
- Take Home Handout
- English: FamilyTime-G6-U5-Ch20
- Spanish: Tiempo en familia, 6-20
- Vietnamese: Tai Gia đình, 6-20
- Chapter Activity
Core Content of Chapter
- HEAR & BELIEVE: Scripture
- Jesus´ Ministry
- The Fruits of Prayer
- Saint Profile: Our Lady of Czestochowa
- Faith Words
- meditation
- We Believe
- The Lord’s Prayer, or the Our Father, comes from Jesus Christ. It is our model prayer.
- RESPOND: Your Will Be Done, Father
- Prayer Celebration
- A Meditation Prayer
- Online Chapter Review
- eAssessment · Teacher Login
- Year A:
- Year B:
- Year C:
- Accompany Music Book, Grades 1-8
- ISBN: 978-0-38236-618-5
- Activities Grade 6 BLM booklet
- ISBN: 978-0-78291-366-8
- Music CD Set, Grades 1-8
- ISBN: 978-0-38236-658-1
- Music Grade 6 CD
- ISBN: 978-0-38236-657-4
- Project Grade 6 BLM booklet
- ISBN: 978-0-78291-369-9
- Scripture Audio CD
- Available for only Grades 1-4
- Songbook for Grades 1-8
- ISBN: 978-0-38236-617-8
- Tests Grade 6 BLM booklet
- ISBN: 978-0-78291-446-7
- Unit Tests Grade 6 BLM booklet
- ISBN: 978-1-41825-510-7